The scariest DAM sentences


In honour of Halloween, please enjoy these spooky, scary, and possibly even haunted very short sentences that will make any digital asset management, collections, marketing, and IT manager shiver with fright. 


It was a dark and stormy night, and we don’t have a disaster recovery plan so we hope we don’t lose power and data. 


I didn’t mean to delete it. 


Almost everyone thought the artifact and the story were connected but there was no data to suggest this. (inspired by Salem’s Lot by Stephen King)


The data turned blank all around me.


Yes, let me give you access to the collections excel sheet.


“It was a pleasure to burn all of the on-prem servers,” said the IT manager without cloud backup. (inspired by Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury)


She hated keeping things organised.


Happy Halloween and don’t let your DAM be the scariest thing in your life this season. 


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